Thursday, March 21, 2013

Adaora: 25 Facts About Me

1. I almost joined a convent.
2. I can’t swim.
3. I know how to play the alto saxophone and the tuba.
4. I majored in English.
5. I had to shave my hair off while attending a Christian missionary school in Nigeria.

6. I got to meet and work with my shero Beyonce.
7. I’m a Pisces.
8. I am one of nine siblings.
9. I hit a parked car the first year that I got my drivers license.
10. I know how to double-dutch.
11. I was born in Hartford, CT
12. I love being an aunt.
13. Easter is my favorite holiday.
14. I went to my first concert at 18.
15. My first celebrity crush was Kobe Bryant.

16. My all time favorite musician is Bob Marley.
17. I spend hours in bookstores.
18. I worked with children with Autism for 2 yrs.
19. I write short stories.
20. I have a fear of snakes and pandas (don’t judge).
21. I suffered from malaria more than once.
22. Shopping for myself and for others makes me happy.
23. I can cry on command.
24. People enjoy my cooking.
25. I’ve never had a pet.

Source by Swim Daily 

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